Arteficial Intelligence (AI) or Artificial Intelligence

A development related to big data is the rise of artificial intelligence. In fact, Big Data and AI cannot exist without one other, because AI helps to make those huge information ponds productive. As such, we need the help of computer systems or software applications that can reason and solve problems

In principle, we talk about ‘intelligence’ because the system reasoning is based on the knowledge of human experts. Special algorithms are used to collect, analyse and learn from user information. It is becoming possible to do almost instantaneous, real-time analysis on information. Moreover, there is often a built-in learning capacity in the application, which means that the system becomes smarter as more data is collected. In this way a self-propelled car becomes more reliable with every kilometre it drives

In the future, AI will be integrated into every app, application and service we know. However, eventhough we might not be aware of it, we are probably already dealing with AI right now. If we look at Netflix films and series, we get an ‘Also suitable for you’ on our screens. Personal recommendations on webshops are also covered by AI. Furthermore, more and more forms of AI are used in the healthcare sector. Think, for example, of software that helps diagnose a specific disease or determines which treatment will be the most successful.