Collaboration between regular care and private clinics

Whereas at first the care provided by private clinics was only focused on medically unnecessary care, such as plastic surgery and laser eye surgery, nowadays eye surgery and the whole range of orthopaedics are also offered.

We see good cooperation between hospitals and private clinics, but also direct competition. It is also common for a specialist connected to a hospital to work partly for a private clinic.

Research phase

During a recent transition of three orthopedists to a private clinic, this was received positively by the clinic staff during the research phase (2), but not by the hospital staff (-2). At this stage, this had no impact on patient satisfaction.

Transition orthopedists

At the actual transition, these scores became more extreme; respectively 3 for employee satisfaction at the clinic and -3 at the hospital. In this phase, the patients of the hospital were also very dissatisfied (-3). After all, a number of highly valued orthopedists left, some of whom had been treating patients for years. However, patients from the private clinic were very satisfied (3).