Flexible personnel-search and job-search through Upwork

Easily find quality freelancers

On Upwork you’ll find a range of top talent, from programmers to designers, writers, customer support reps, and more.

  • Start by posting a job. Tell us about your project and the specific skills required.
  • Upwork analyzes your needs. Our search functionality uses data science to highlight freelancers based on their skills, helping you find talent that’s a good match.
  • We send you a shortlist of likely candidates. You can also search our site for talent, and freelancers can view your job and submit proposals too.

Find rewarding projects

Upwork is a great place to find more clients, and to run and grow your own freelance business.

  • Freedom to work on ideal projects. On Upwork, you run your own business and choose your own clients and projects. Just complete your profile and we’ll highlight ideal jobs. Also search projects, and respond to client invitations.
  • Wide variety and high pay. Clients are now posting jobs in hundreds of skill categories, paying top price for great work.
  • More and more success. The greater the success you have on projects, the more likely you are to get hired by clients that use Upwork.

Werk uitzetten op deze manier kan haast niet misgaan. In deze wereldwijde arbeidsmarkt is altijd wel iemand die het werk wil doen. Klanten merken er niets van, want het is werk aan de achterkant van de organisatie (0). De medewerkerstevredenheid verschilt. Het eigen personeel kan negatief zijn, omdat ze vrezen te worden weggeconcurreerd door deze goedkope arbeidskrachten zonder rechten (-3).